Briefly back to the bias & musical mystery solved

This project has been sitting in the bottom of my current knitting project bag for several months now and came to the front of the queue yesterday.
The Sedona sides were done but I started on the Fixation short row ribbing yesterday. I'm up to almost 7 inches of centre ribbing over about 170 stitches.
Back then, I was thinking that the form fitting design was not going to be gracing my form but things change. A garment that could run to 334 stitches in Fixation on size 3US needles at about 8-10 spi is a bit much for a friend.
I know I can be my own worst enemy I'm thinking that I might also be my own best friend and worthy of the effort even though I know that dubbing it as a heather project will probably relegate it to the back of the queue yet again.
Today's supposed to be the last day of the current Santa Ana condition and my sinuses sure hope that's true. I weathered most of the weekend reasonably well although I was a walking slug on Saturday spending my day not in Balboa Park with fellow knitters but putting the sleeves on the pentagon sleeves project.
It is a true prototype and that was the mantra I recited to keep myself from redoing the sleeves yet again. It really is quite remarkable when I consider that I was knitting it based on the size I hoped to be rather than the size I was and I have a good grasp of the full range of sizing options and off shoot variations (girlie girl is on the needles). That said, I still haven't finished the last of the finishing which is sewing the side seams and knitting the rolled neckline. Maybe tonight.
Yesterday I got in a 6+ mile walk to the Shepherdess and home before heading South to Bonita for pig. glorious pig at DaKine's and social knit at Bonita Knitting Store. Not only did I get to see Tania but, in an added bonus, Susan was there on a rare Sunday appearance.
Susan had the Vogue Knitting issue that I was sure I had purchased but can't find and she also had some Alpaca with a Twist Punch in some vivid blue, green and orange that just demanded to come home with me and become something. I was wearing orange most of the weekend so that could have been a factor.
Today the sinus situation is not so great so I'm taking a precautionary day off before the next mad sprint to deliverables and deadlines.

On my way out, I got into a conversation with one of the radio station (FM 94.9 was co-hosting) staffers about a musical mystery or why I wish they would if not always back announce, try to do the web page last six hours thing that KPRI does.
A currently on the airwaves song that is evocative of Pet Sounds by the Beach Boys and I've been hearing snippets and never catching the artist and it has been bugging the hades out of me.
The staffer knew exactly what I was talking about but also drew a blank -- nice to know the madness is shared right? Today, having awoken to the song at o-dark-30, Google and I finally have the answer -- Phantom Limb by The Shins.
My current brain blockage is over whether the Mel Bochner piece that I have a visual of three vapid blondes pondering (galleries are great people watching venues) was called Shallow or Superficial. IMO, that mental vision is a sweet conceptual art piece in the private gallery of my memory.
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