Kaua'i on my mind
October 1998 last time I was there and I will always regret putting work ahead of getting back there in the Spring of 1999, but Kaua'i is always on my mind. I'm not so much in touch with friends there and/or friends from there as I would like but I know the welcome is always there.
When I heard about the flooding in Hawaii, my first thought was pal Janis on Oahu. While I was relieved that she was okay, finding out that it and the dam burst was on Kaua'l was a real adventure in trying to get more details.
Near as I can tell everything spilled down between Kilauea and Kalihiwai Bays not far from the light house so those and some other farther North photos will be part of today's posting. To start an early morning shot of Kilauea looking North/West and a shot of the light house.
A number of things I miss about Kaua'i are gone forever. I was lucky to be among those who got to experience Kahili Mountain Park before it was shut down. I'll never forget the peace and beauty of both the place and the staff. I'll always treasure my memories of Connie and her sunny spirit.
Other things are still there like Waimea Canyon and the hard to come by cabin reservations, elusive camera shots of Ni'ihau and the still haven't mastered Kalalau Trail.
Then there's the Waimea Brew pub which may have shut down its Washington operations and probably has shifted staff since I was last there.
I must say I was delighted to trip over the Pale Ale and Luau Lager (stuff I never drank there -- being a Alakai Stout fan) at Trader Joe's and it reminded me of these good times and good people. And although the uke playing lads aren't in the pictures, I will always think that the Bad Fish rendition on ukes on the lanai at the staff party we were invited to attend is way more better than the Sublime recording.
And on a knitting front, I always knit either dish/washclothes, lace bookmarks or other experiments with shapes while on Kaua'i (aka swatches with utility) and rather enjoyed the premature "auntie tutu" title that earned me.
When I heard about the flooding in Hawaii, my first thought was pal Janis on Oahu. While I was relieved that she was okay, finding out that it and the dam burst was on Kaua'l was a real adventure in trying to get more details.
Near as I can tell everything spilled down between Kilauea and Kalihiwai Bays not far from the light house so those and some other farther North photos will be part of today's posting. To start an early morning shot of Kilauea looking North/West and a shot of the light house.
A number of things I miss about Kaua'i are gone forever. I was lucky to be among those who got to experience Kahili Mountain Park before it was shut down. I'll never forget the peace and beauty of both the place and the staff. I'll always treasure my memories of Connie and her sunny spirit.
Other things are still there like Waimea Canyon and the hard to come by cabin reservations, elusive camera shots of Ni'ihau and the still haven't mastered Kalalau Trail.
Then there's the Waimea Brew pub which may have shut down its Washington operations and probably has shifted staff since I was last there.
I must say I was delighted to trip over the Pale Ale and Luau Lager (stuff I never drank there -- being a Alakai Stout fan) at Trader Joe's and it reminded me of these good times and good people. And although the uke playing lads aren't in the pictures, I will always think that the Bad Fish rendition on ukes on the lanai at the staff party we were invited to attend is way more better than the Sublime recording.
And on a knitting front, I always knit either dish/washclothes, lace bookmarks or other experiments with shapes while on Kaua'i (aka swatches with utility) and rather enjoyed the premature "auntie tutu" title that earned me.
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