Monday musings and apres sports

Truth? I was a bit disappointed that there weren't more attendees, more support from LYS and the Padres organisation. None of those factors stopped me from having fun and getting some knitting done.
There are five more games in five more venues scheduled for this year, so if you're a knitter in one of those venues consider taking your knitting out to the ball game and breaking a few stereotypes to boot.
I got more knitting done during the walk downtown and while enjoying a Guinness or two at The Field where I missed happy hour but still had a very pleasant time and the Baby Bobbi Bear in progress got a lot of attention.
I finished the bear's bum before I got to the ball park but after two pints my brain was not prepared to follow the instructions to knit the legs so I ended up doing a bit of long overdue detangling of a hank for the pentagon sleeves project.

This bit of mess has now joined the other tidy centre pull balls in queue to get the pentagon sleeves project back on target.

If there was knitting at the Whistlestop yesterday it was without any reminders and also without me. I chose to do some prep work for a mad mystery project and then took knitting and to-be-wound hanks on walkabout down to the Shake's where there was more winding than knitting.
Baby Bobbi Bear's legs are now well under construction and the sharp points on the metal dps are doing their bit to remove the fingerprint on my left index finger.
I did a morning/midday mitzvah by ferrying a pal round to pick up some of the stuff he'll need to camp out in his new digs between taking possession tomorrow and his movers doing the heavy lifting a week or two out. Now my both my apartment and truck are playing Sally stow-it-all but come tomorrow that ends. Still, Brent's situation motivated me to finally get 'round to emptying the recyclables out of the back of the truck so it's all good. Since it was hot today I'm glad I opted to put of turning into a people (showering and washing the hair) until after we got finished.
Now that the hair is mostly dry I'm considering going walkabout with Baby Bobbi Bear, popoki shawl and the last of the pentagon sleeves to=be-wound hanks.
In a just wondering moment, how much would you trust the insights of a Tarot card reader with a "Go Bush" sign?
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