17 June 2007

Father's day at Whistlestop and more 07-07-07

The theory, once again, was that I'd be meeting up with a knitting friend who'd be going to The Whistlestop knitting Sunday for the first time. That theory is still a theory.

Some time back, having actually met a knitter at the Whistlestop that knits with yarns with as fine a gauge as I do, I said I'd bring her some bamboo to play with.

Ever since then it seems that if I remember to bring the bamboo she's not there. If I forget the bamboo I'm rewarded with her good company. At one point I wound off some of the bamboo from a cone and put it in my knitting bag -- that sample of bamboo has gone to ground. My theory is that I should find the yarn, put it in the knitting bag and just maybe if I forget that it is in there we can trick the fates and get bamboo and knitter together.

Said knitter is not only crazy enough to knit with fairly fine gauge yarn but also like me she's nuts enough to tackle the Breast Cancer 3-day. So between knitting chatter, I also offered some advice tips and general support. The walk in San Diego isn't until November but I offered some training walk routes so you may see some walkabout knitting posts with hills and strange sights of San Diego between now and then. I figure that even if we can't walk them together, I can suggest some challenging walks with interesting locations.

I was a bit delayed heading out the door and walking over as I was trying to get a couple of small posters for the Stitch N Pitch event (Sunday 22 July at Petco Park) printed up and in my bag to put up at the bar and/or distribute to knitters to post wherever.

Not a bad turn out, probably a dozen or so and while the 07-07-07 ring bearer pillow was well received, the 2x twine into 5 bag was my knitting star of the day.

07-07-07 Instructions continue from the 13 June blog entry. There are 56 stitches (8 per side) on the needles.

Repeat the following steps seven times to extend each of the seven sides to form the 1st sculptural seven pointed star as follows:

k7, turn (do not bother to wrap), p6
k5, turn, p4
k3, turn, p2
k2, turn, p3
k4, turn, p5
k6 turn, p7

Next round, begin increasing again:

(YO, k8)7x (63 stitches)
(YO, k9)7x (70 stitches)
(YO, k10)7x (77 stitches)
(YO, k11)7x (84 stitches)
(YO, k12)7x (91 stitches)
(YO, k13)7x (98 stitches)

Repeat the following steps seven times to extend each of the seven sides to form the 2nd sculptural seven pointed star as follows:

k13, turn (do not bother to wrap), p12
k11, turn, p10
k9, turn, p8
k7, turn, p6
k5, turn, p4
k3 turn, p2
k1, turn, p1
k2, turn, p3
k4, turn, p5
k6, turn, p7
k8 turn, p9
k10, turn, p11
k12, turn, p13


Next round, begin increasing again:

(YO, k14)7x (105 stitches)
(YO, k15)7x (112 stitches)
(YO, k16)7x (119 stitches)
(YO, k17)7x (126 stitches)
(YO, k18)7x (133 stitches)
(YO, k19)7x (140 stitches)
(YO, k20)7x (147 stitches)

Work the following steps to form the final seven pointed star:

k21, turn (do not bother to wrap), p20
k19, turn, p18
k17 turn, p16
k15, turn, p14
k13, turn, p12
k11 turn, p10
k9, turn, p8
k7, turn, p6
k5, turn, p4
k3, turn, p2
k1 turn, p2
k3, turn, p4
k5 turn, p6
k7, turn, p8
k9, turn, p10
k11, turn, p12
k13 turn, p14
k15, turn, p16
k17 turn, p18

k19, turn, p20

Next purl one round to form a turning ridge.
Following rounds knit plain, no increase, to desired depth/thickness. My prototype is about 1 inch deep.
Next purl one round to form 2nd tuning ridge.

At this point, you'll need to decide how you will be filling the pillow. If you will be sewing or cutting foam (a really good cheat) to form your lining this is the time to create a template/pattern for your liner.

If time is running short, work the pattern out to the turning ridge, omit the straight knitting for depth bind off, embellish and attach the topper to a plain ring bearer pillow. It's still special but it is also done!

Next time we'll talk liners, decrease rounds and embellishments.

With today's 6.58 mules, my Runagogo total mileage is 354 miles from 1 Jan to date. I was hoping to make 400 miles by the 1st but it's looking less and less likely, If we keep the thing going maybe I'll tack an extra 150 miles onto my next round personal goal.


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