03 March 2009

Leaves. branches and keeping RSS not crazy

The best thing about group projects is also the worst -- even the fresh sets of eyes and don't catch everything.

The virtual experience means that everyone can get their stuff in in a sort of rolling thunder continuous review cycle.

The whole thing is a bit like a single author/editor compressed cycle because not everyone is "resting" at the same time so it just rolls on and on for the designated scribe/contributor.

I'm sure some people would suggest that there's a big down side in that not everyone can be in the same room at the same time be we've worked in email and text chats that we've carefully saved to refer back to and capture meaning in ways that he said, she said auditory memory just can't.

By the time my "I hope I caught everything" edit/synthesis/draft hit the digital drop box in a timely fashion, tired as we all were, we were curious about what's next and looking forward to just being (facebook) friends and a support network and not the intensity of recent weeks.

And yeah, if we get a crappy grade we may all be pointing fingers and taking out the short knives but I doubt it. We learned a lot about team work, team building co-operation and working 100% long distance and virtual in addition to information retrieval, database design and the software.

The peer review came in on the evening of the 2nd and our email cycle has started. No long or short knives, I seem to be the only one who really honed in a hmm, I can see that as a different approach to take given the assignment and if that was your read, perhaps that would be the review.

So far this week in the special work through the process, I've had "fun with Fidelity" which is all about finding out if what I remembered about rules of the road for pensions, IRAs, 401k and other financial instruments was the case. It is but there are some accounting issues I'd not considered about co-mingling of funds from from pre-and post tax financial instruments.

Today is phone HR to ask about those two clauses in the documents that appear to me to be in conflict and other nuances of dealing with disaster in a calm and collected fashion.


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