30 December 2008

Snippets of stupid

In the unclear of concept category I'm starting today with a but why would you do that or buy that moment.

I had no idea that a whte bird of paradies plant existed until I happened upon this tag on an immature plant.

Perhaps I'm just out of the loop but if this isn't a naturally occurring variation, I can't see why anyone would create such an thing. Even if it is naturally occurring, I just can't wrap my brain around it.

I particularly can't grasp why, unless you were doing a whole total artsy install, you'd choose a white bloom over the usual vivid joyous display of the more typical bird of paradise.

Why not just go for a plant with less vibrance/colour? Or maybe even no bloom?

Not sure whether I'm the unclear on concept here but it seems off and worth a note here.

A more clear unclear of concept comes from a paraphrase of a snippet overheard on US network television recently, "It was like being in a documentary film, except that it was real". Hmm, yeah, you know all those documentaries are pure fiction.

In the distinction without a difference category this one is from a radio spot for a jewelry company "jewelry that has to be seen to be appreciated" because, you know, all that other jewelry doesn't need to be seen to be appreciated you can just, I dunno, read the descriptions, price tags, feel the facets or sniff the size.

Finally, a how appropriate moment. In case this link fails, the basic story is that a 21 year old striker for Chippenham Town received a red card (expulsion) for a wild tackle within three seconds of kick off in a match against Bashley. This is a new record for earliest expulsion for a professional/senior side. Brilliantly, the striker's name is Pratt. If I have to explain it to you I probably also have to explain side, pitch, and how no, no, really it is football -- explaining not going to happen. Check Wikipedia (Google will get you there) and consider making a donation while you're sucking up knowledge.

Seems the amateur crowd is still just a bit quicker off the mark and also off the pitch. In 2000, the offense wasn't a wild tackle but rude language about a noisy starting whistle -- two seconds.

I keep telling people that rugby is more genteel but they don't seem to believe me.


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